Frusso Fibre Drinks NZ

Frusso Fibre Drinks NZ

Frusso is a baby step towards detoxifying intestine as it is loaded with both dietary fibres, water-s

Photos from Frusso Fibre Drinks NZ's post 26/05/2022

You still have a lot of questions in your head, what is FRUSSO?

You can take a look here to tell you WHAT FRUSSO IS

FRUSSO is made of 100% natural ingredients, no rebound and no side effects.


There are many types of chocolate — white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate. Everyone has their favorite, go-to flavor. But, how much do you actually know about the different kinds of chocolate? Do you know what differentiates semisweet from bittersweet?


[ Blueberries ]

The deep blue of these berries does more than make a pretty pie. The color comes from potent compounds called anthocyanins. Scientists think these antioxidants may help protect you from cancer, heart disease, and dementia, and boost your immune system. But we need more research to know for sure. Eat these juicy gems fresh or frozen. They have water and fiber, which fill you up without wrecking your diet. A half-cup has about 40 calories.


We have the same mum thoo


[How the colour of a banana can change its nutritional value]
Australian sports dietitian Ryan Pinto recently shared a graphic about the various benefits of bananas depending on their ripeness. It turns out eating an over-ripe banana may not be a great idea.


" Medical & Research Board of Advisors" (MRBA)!
MRBA is a team of professional doctors, pharmacists, professors and researchers. They are the professionals and experts behind Frussos' unique formulations and innovative technologies, while also assisting us in providing authentic health literacy education to the public.

Most importantly, MRBA is also prepared to support the production of professional marketing tools through the sharing of knowledge and expertise. We are excited and look forward to working more closely with our members as we work together to instill health literacy and values in the public.
Stay tuned for more profiles of our distinguished MRBA members.


Many adults eat much more sugar than the authorities recommend. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), for example, estimate that adults in the United States get around 15% of their calories from added sugars alone. This sugar intake does not even include natural sugars, such as those in products such as fruit and milk.

Excessive sugar consumption has links to several harmful health conditions, including:
-obesity and metabolic syndrome
-heart disease
-type 2 diabetes
-high blood pressure
-high cholesterol
-chronic inflammation
-nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
-dental plaque and cavities

Reducing the amount of sugar in the diet can help a person reduce their risk of these health conditions.


A list of gut healing food that can ease inflammation and boost immunity. Build these gut restoring ingredients into your weekly meal plan and daily diet to improve gut health. These prebiotic and probiotic foods are easy to include in everything from smoothies to snacks and salads.


The plate method are fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables, one quarter of the plate of protein foods, and the last quarter of the plate with carbohydrate foods. Top it off with a glass of water or another zero calorie drink and you’ve got yourself a well-balanced plate!


Some say, “the more you sweat, the more weight you will lose” while others say, “if you’re aiming for weight loss, then cardio is the best workout for you”. If you are new to fitness, you will get to hear many such things. But let me tell you, most of them are actually myths. They can stop you from achieving your fitness goals and also have a detrimental effect on your body. Thus, before you start on your fitness regimen, here are myths that you need to stop believing in right now.


Get info on how to lose weight easily.
Contact us for more information.


While all carbs break down into glucose, the best carbs for your health are the ones you’ll eat in their closest-to-nature state as possible: vegetables, fruit, pulses, legumes, unsweetened dairy products, and 100% whole grains, like brown rice, quinoa, wheat, and oats. For example, Banana, Sweet Potatoes, Parsnips, Quinoa And Oats.


If your goal is to lose weight and exercise more, forget the highly restrictive diet and daily long intensive workouts. Research has shown that taking small steps — not giant leaps — This is the best way to achieve long lasting results.


【Ingredients : Fibersol-2, Psyllium Husk, Inulin, Palm Fibre】
Direction of Use : Add a sachet of FRUSSO to 150 ml of room temperature water andmix well before drinking. Customers are suggested to consumed it before going to bed. so that he/she can go to the toilet for defecation in the next morning. In addition, customers who want to maintain their body or lose weight can also take it before meals to increase their satiety therefore reducing their food intake.

FRUSSO contains very low calories, a pack of only 15-21kcal (different flavors have different calories), therefore people who want to control calorie intake can take it with ease.


【Japan imported water-soluble dietary fiber, FIBERSOL-2】
👉🏻Matural plants as raw materials
👉🏻Certified of Japanese Food Regulation, FOSHU ( Food for Specific Health Use)
👉🏻Received GRAS ( General Recognised as Safe) certification from US FDA
👉🏻Low in calories and does not affect the absorption of calcium and other minerals


【Why Dietary Fiber is Important?】
Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation. If you have loose, watery stools, fiber may help to solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool. Helps maintain bowel health.


Dietary fiber is one of the nutrients human body needs that is recognised as one of the 7 major classes of nutrients. It can be divided into two types: water-soluble and water-insoluble. Frusso contains both types of dietary fiber.


【What is Frusso?】
Frusso is a baby step towards detoxifying intestine as it is loaded with both dietary fibres, water-soluble and water-insoluble. These two fibers possess their own function in which water- soluble fibre is viscous and able to absorb large amount of water, forming a gel when excreted whereas water-insoluble fibre functions to increase the volume and weight of faeces, promote gastrointestinal motility and bowel movements, and relieve constipation.
